Thursday, February 21, 2008

Covenant Blessings--You and God go a long way back

Let me start out saying that we have been neglecting the Old Testament to long as Christians. I was at a bible study yesterday, and I was seriously gaining knowledge from a sister that is being called out as God's prophet. God brings us around people we need to do His will and I love that about God. He hasn't forgot about anyone. Nevertheless, I must move into the covenant between Abraham and God. As Christians, we are adopted into this covenant.

If you go to Genesis 17:2-27, you can read the covenant yourself. Read it before you go on.

Your first thought may be to rebel and say I just read the new testament. However, Jesus said that He did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it. Now when Jesus fulfilled the law, He took the punishment for all of our sins. Hold up, are you getting this? Jesus took the punishment for the sins you committed in the past and the ones you will commit throughout your lifetime. Now, don't get lost in that statement. Go back to the covenant, where God makes promises to Abraham. He said that He will establish the covenant between Abraham's descendents. Now we are Abraham's descendents through the blood of Christ. In other words before Jesus was born we couldn't hold up our end of the bargain. However, Jesus came and fulfilled what we could not.

Through this covenant we will multiply and be fruitful. This isn't a prosperity message. It is a message about the stature and place that God HAS GIVEN the descendents of Abraham which we are. Now, we have work to do for the kingdom. We can't do the work of the kingdom if we are worried about trivial things of this world like money, food and clothes. So my message today is to CLAIM the covenants and blessings. He has already given it to us. Don't think that they aren't there, they are simply waiting for you to recognize who you are and whose you are and what HE has already promised in His word.

My point is that you don't need to despair and worry about money, bills and worldly issues. You give those to the Lord. The Lord is not going to contradict His word and His word never returns void. You need to take your rightful place in this earthly realm as a SON or DAUGHTER and stop acting like an outcast, especially my brothers and sisters who grew up in poverty. You found Christ and you are now adopted into royaltly. Forget about the UK royals, the hotel, oil and shipping heirs. You are heir to Abraham and to Jesus. We are adopted sons and daughters. Claim your spot and raise your head up. God made you. He knew you were coming into HIS family before you did. You shouldn't be arrogant about yourself, but you should be proud to be a part of God's family. Because brother and sister, you and God go a long way back.

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