Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thank You God, from your daughter Monique

Thank you Almighty Father. You have restored my soul. You have brought hope to the hopeless. You have given faith on wings to your child. Oh Great One, You have adopted a girl. You have taught her in the way she should go. You have nutured her with Your love. You have made a plan to be with her forever.

Oh Lord, you have looked on your daughter with loving eyes. You have never left me or forsaken me. You have heard my cries and answered every one of my prayers. You will never allow me to fall. You will gather me up and protect me. You will never fail me. My prayers are answered. I am righteous because of the blood of the lamb.

As your daughter, I will never go hungry or be put to shame.. If God be for me, who can be against me. I love wisdom and am the apple of my Father's eye. His love has made me whole. By faith I am healed. My faith in my Father moves mountains into the sea.

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.


We all have reasons to thank God. We need to make a point of it. Gratitude is the right attitude. Okay, that was a little corny, but my point remains the same.

Oh, and yes, we are adopted children of God. Realize that we are sons and daughters of the most high God.

If God stepped back today and said he'd done enough, we'd still have so many things from the past to thank him for doing for us--like sending his son to die for us. I don't think that we should stop thanking him for that one. But there are so many other things that we have to be thankful for in this day and age.

If you reading this you obviously have access to a computer and the Internet so that is something to be thankful for in your life. If you can see it, be thankful. If you are hearing it via a machine for the blind, be greatful that you can hear it. If you can do both, thank God twice. I mean it. The list is infinite.

Write your own thank you letter to your Father. Read it aloud.

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